Configure Widget
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Last updated
During this step of onboarding, you can customize the widget which will be embedded in your website. As you change settings for the bot, the preview in the right updates automatically to help you visualize how the bot will be on your website.
You can customize the following settings of the bot
Bot Logo
Enter a URL that should be used as a logo for your widget. We recommend having an image that is square in shape (aspect ratio of 1:1)
Brand Color
Enter a color code (hex code) for your brand. If you are unsure how to find the color code for your brand, use a tool like to find the hex code of your desired color
Text Color
This is the color in which the text will appear in the header region of the bot widget
Welcome Message
This message is shown to all users who interact with your chatbot for the first time. Use this section to tell them about the magical bot on your website or promote your services.
Once you have configured all settings, "Save Configuration" to move on to the next screen.