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Last updated
Website sources help you use data from web-based platforms to train our AI Models. You can either enter the website URL ( or the sitemap URL( to train our models.
As of now, data from the following web-based platform can be used out of the box.
Regular websites
Magento 2
To add a new website source, navigate to the "Data Sources" sidebar and Click on "Add Source". Choose "Website" as the source and click on it
On the next form, add a name for your website and the link to your website or sitemap. If everything is in order, you can click on the "Add Source" button.
Once you save it, you will be able to see the links we can find on your website.
To train a model chose the links you want to use to train our AI models and click on "Train Selected".
In case you want to use all the URLs, click on "Train All" and the system will use all website links to train the bot.
In case you want to remove the URLs used earlier as part of the training data, simply click on the "Delete" link next to it. It will remove the URL from the system and will not be used further to answer any queries.
If you would like to remove the entire website as the source for bodt, simply navigate to the required source and click on the "Delete Source" button to remove it from the system.